·School of Dramatic Arts - University of Sao Paulo - Brazil
·BA, Major in Art Education - Institute of The Arts, Sao Paulo State University, Brazil
·Center for Theatrical Research - Directed by Antunes Filho, Sao Paulo, Brazil
·Suzuki Technique with Ellen Lauren - Japan
·View Points - with the director Anne Bogart and SITI Company, New York
·Movement for Actors with Pearl Lang, Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance, New York
·Modern Dance (Graham Technique) - Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance, New York
·Ballet - with Kênia Genaro, Tonny Abbot, Cláudia de Souza, Lenisa Rocha - Sao Paulo, Brazil
·Scene Study - Herbert Berghof Studio, New York
·Mimic - with Fernando Vieira, Brazil
·Singing - University of Music Tom Jombim; voice teachers: Andréa Kaiser e Chico Campos - Sao Paulo, Brazil
·Shell e APCA - Trojan Fragments (Sao Paulo Association of Art Critics)
·APCA - Special Acting Award - Chimbirins e Chimbirons (Sao Paulo Association of Art Critics)
·APCA - Best Children’s Play - Chimbirins e Chimbirons (Sao Paulo Association of Art Critics)
·APCA, Sharp e APETESP - Best Children’s Play - Maria Borralheira.
·Travesties (Gwendolen)
Author: Tom Stoppard / Dir. Caetano Vilela
Curitiba Theater Festival - Guaira Theatre - Curitiba / BRAZIL
·The Emperor Mask (Lead Role)
Author: Samir Yazbek / Dir. William Pereira / Theatre SESC Belenzinho / BRAZIL
·Antigone (Antigone)
Author: Sophocles / Dir. Rodolfo Garcia Vazquez / Espaço dos Satyros / BRAZIL
·Trojan Fragments (Cassandra)
Author / Euripides / Dir. Antunes Filho / Theatre SESC Anchieta BRAZIL
*(Istanbul Int’l Theater. Festival - Turkey; Olympics Theater Festival - Japan; Nelson Rodrigues Theater, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil)
·The Two Gentlemen of Verona (Proteia)
Author: William Shakespeare / Dir. Edna Ligieri / Centro Cultural Sao Paulo / BRAZIL
·Miranda (Queen Miranda)
Author and Director: Vladimir Capella / Theatre SESC Belenzinho / BRAZIL
·De Profundis (Lead Role)
Author: Oscar Wilde / Adapted and Directed by Rodolfo Garcia Vazquez / Espaço dos Satyros / BRAZIL
·The Lusiads (Venus)
Author: Luis Vaz de Camões / Adapted by: José Rubens Siqueira / Dir. Iacov Hillel / Júlio Prestes Station / BRAZIL
·The Girls (Lia)
Author: Lygia Fagundes Teles / Dir. Grupo Sépia / Theater of the Sao Paulo University / BRAZIL
*Nascente Award - 1996
·The Tempest (Ariel)
Author: William Shakespeare / Dir. Rodrigo Santiago / Teatro Laboratorio / BRAZIL
·Maria Borralheira (Lua, a Vaquinha)
Author and Director: Vladimir Capella / SESI Theatre / BRAZIL
·Chimbirins e Chimbirons (Lead Role)
Author: Marcos Arthur / Dir. Vladimir Capella / Teatro Ruth Escobar / BRAZIL
·Panic (Lead Role)
Dir. Pazzeto and Cristina Bosco / Teatro Mambembe / BRAZIL
Rede Globo TV
·Fazendo História - (Making Stories) Bere Episode
Álbum de Casamento - (Wedding Album) Geraldo Episode
Dias de Glória - (Days of Glory)
Retrato Falado - (Spoken Portrait) Martinha Episode
Retrato Falado - (Spoken Portrait) Jaqueline Episode
Dir. Luiz Villaça
·Aquarela do Brasil (Brazilian Watercolor)- Short Series about the Radio Era in 1945
Dir. Jayme Monjardim
Short Films
·Caos e Cosmogonia (Chaos and Cosmogony) Dir. Rodrigo Proensa Brazil
·Em Movimento (In Movement) Dir. Cláudia Pucci Brazil
·Information War Dir.: Wesley Vianna Brazil
·Dancing, Singing, Playing the Guitar, Horse Back Ridding, Bicycling, Driving Cars, Swimming
·Patrícia is the co-author of “Diversity Project” - Theatre-Dance classes for students with disabilities- a partnership with The State of Sao Paulo Dept of Culture
·Teaching Acting for Dancers at the Oficina Cultural Oswald Andrade, State of Sao Paulo Dept of Culture
·English (fluent), Portuguese (native speaker)